Thursday, 3 July 2008

Growing up

Don't you feel old when your youngest child leaves high school??!
Katy had her prom last weekend, and although I am bound to be prejudiced....I thought she looked lovely! It was worth the hour (and more!) it took me to do her hair.
It's not been easy being a twin, with a severely autistic brother, but she has been amazing and I am SO proud of her.

James attends a residential school - coming home during half terms and holidays - and he is blossoming there, gaining daily in self esteem, and starting to cope much better with life. He will always need one to one support, but we are confident that he will achieve his full potential.

Neil has just completed his first year at St. Chad's College (University of Durham ) where he is reading Maths.

Jenny has just completed her AS levels at Aquinas 6th Form College.
We are off to Canterbury (Kent) tomorrow to go to the open day at the University there - she is hoping to start there after A levels.

Am I a proud Mum? You bet!!!! 4 wonderful kids who are great company to be with....what could be better?!!


Georgina said...


Your daughter is lovely! They grow up all too soon and before you know it, you're a grandmother!! I have 3 wonderful grandsons from my daughter, Andria, but as of yesterday, she was ready to send them back to El Paso!! They live in a 2 bedroom flat on the 3rd floor of the complex and the boys have always lived in a house, so they have to get used to apartment living, i.e., no running...thump, thump, thump times 3!! The neighbor from downstairs had to ask my daughter to keep it down since her little one was having problems napping.

Actually, I was writing you concerning your son. I too have an autistic adult child. My son, Ian, just graduated from high school at 22 years of age, the state of Texas allows this but not beyond 22 years, so he maxed out in the system. He lives with his father and a not so supportive stepmother, but his father is taking very good care of him. I get him every other weekend, holidays and summers, so he spends quite a bit of time with me. He's considered high functioning, but he really can't read well, writes like a small child and has to take medications for his attention and sleeping problems.

Well, thought I'd share with you this tid bit of infomation and know you're not alone. Have a wonderful weekend. We, here on the other side of the pond, are celebrating our Independence Day from....well, you know!! LOL

Hasta Luego,

All Bear by Paula said...

Lovely family pics Anji! Your daughter looked so pretty. It's no wonder you're proud (and yes, it surely does make one feel old when they leave school! Both mine have been working for about five/six years and I can't believe I'm Mum to two grown-ups ... well, when it suits them to be! It was only yesterday .... as they say!)

Chaska Peacock said...

I love your cheerful yellow blog! I find the color spirit lifting

What nice looking kids you have! By the way, I raised a son who was first diagnosed as autistic, then as schizophrenic. He is now living safely in a supported environment in California which has a good system in place. All is well.

Georgina said...

Love the yellow. Have to spend time on my blog and do some major changes. Don't change a thing on's great!
