Friday, 11 July 2008

Clear out!

Well....not exactly!
For several years now, my daughters have housed, in their bedroom, some of my fabric stash.
Some? 9 boxes??? OK, I admit, I'm a hoarder.
Now, some of this fabric - OK, most of it - was bought over 20 years ago.......
I used to be a sales rep, and in most of the towns I visited, there were shops selling ends of rolls, last season's fabrics, fents, seconds....hey! this was in Lancashire, home of the cotton industry!
Sadly ,now, very few stores sell fabrics, and specialist fabric shops seem to be a thing of the past. I'm talking dressmaking type fabrics now, not curtains or patchwork fabrics.
ANYHOW.....check out this lot...

Each piece is a minimum of 3 yards in length, and there are over 25 lengths there!
The 2 pieces you might be able to see with white labels on were half price Viyella fabric at nearly £18 each (at half price...what was I thinking of!!)....
The shop I got them from (Gordon Thoday) in Cheltenham, has long since gone the way of all those specialsit I am told. I moved up North over 30 years ago, and so visits down to relatives would have been the only channce to indulge this compulsion to these pieces may even be close on 30 years old!!!

The aim is to check the length (and condition ! - I have a gorgeous 4 yard length of purple wool...and I know it's wool, as the moths have enjoyed a snack) of each piece and hopefully might be able to Ebay some...

I wonder why I bought all these lengths of lining ? has to be that dread phrase..."It was a BARGAIN!"..

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