Friday, 11 July 2008


I've been experimenting with needle felting again. I still find it a tad slow, but I've made a bear, and there is another in the pipeline.
I say a bear...but , well, don't you think he looks a bit canine?

I will post links to needle felting websites if anyone fancies looking more into is pretty satisfying - I especially like when the item gets to the "crunchy" feels very rewarding. And I am even getting better at avoiding stabbing my fingers....
But it's almost 1 am and bed calls. Middle aged women need all the beauty sleep they can get!


Anonymous said...

How beautiful are your bears. You really have a gift for making them.


Amanda said...

Hello! I've ended up at your Blog! Good fun when you stumble on someones mussings. So nice to meet you, a fellow 'put it off' bearmaker. Hee hee, put off what you could do some other time and surf the net!

Hugs, Amanda x

Louise Peers said...

I think he makes a lovely canine to be honest ,its the lovely long muzzle that does it .
Louise x