Saturday 16 February 2008

Worth waiting for?...

4 months between posts...
Still, that's got Christmas, New Year and Valentine's Day out of the reckoning...and the birthday of my younger children - having 16 year old twins makes me feel so old!! (But not as old as realising that firstborn - Beiderbecke anyone???! - will be 20 in October)

Today was a beautiful crisp , clear, sunshiny day here in the North West of the UK. So I took the camera out to see if I could capture the first flowering of Spring.

Crocuses, snowdrops, and the occasional daffodils were in evidence. I even saw a bee trying to get pollen from a crocus - but it was camera shy,, and all i got was a blur...

However, it took ages for my hands to get warm again - and at midday there was even ice to be seen on water in a bucket in the garden.
I fear the bee may not survive.

Yet again I have proved that I can witter on about nothing in particular.
Now that our youngest is settled in a residential school for autism, I can attend football matches again - it's been 20 years since I went regularly!!
Now i have a season ticket to the best club bar none...Burnley FC.
Watch out for a football themed teddy bear sometime in the future...claret and blue of course..
Just don't hold your breath....!!!

In the meantime - here are some photos of mine on Flickr. Today's will be there soon....

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