Friday, 6 February 2009

Idly surfing...

...and following links on blogs and have come across 2 really inspirational blogs.
Awfully Big Art Adventure and Fancy Picnic
Now i need to find a source of extra time, or - and let's be brutally honest here - less procrastination...and I'm away!
Younger son is home for a night (he is severely autistic and attends a residential school in Cheshire who are saints and angels as far as this family is us back our life is not putting it too strongly). So I will be drinking coffee and reading the newspaper - as that seems to be what I do in his world!!
I hear the sounds of "Bambi" on the I think I will go and keep him company. Actually, being able to spend a few minutes on the computer is another major step forward - usually my presence is demanded at all times!.

He(and his twin sister) will be 17 next week. Time flies!


Linda Vincent said... nice of you to find me!
Thank you for the kind comments, I'm really grateful.
Linda :-)

CubbyHole Cubs said...

Hi Anji, just saw your comment on my blog and thought I'd nip over for a nose at yours. Curiosity will be the death of me! I like the little red bear on your profile pic she's lovely and your pink bear has fabulously big feet, always good! Hope you're doing well with your new year ressies and everything is going the way you want it to, toward your targets.


Julie H said...

As a teacher I so admire the parents of Autistic children. Bless you. And best of luck with finding creative time.